We’re moving in a new direction…
Film Credits: - Chelsea & Tobias Hendrickson - Jade Warpenburg - Connor Bacon
Music by: - SIMMENTALL
Well folks, we're gonna be closing the chapter on Techno Logic Synth-Culture (for the foreseeable future)... but this story is FAR FROM OVER! So join us for "story time" with one of our founders, Tobias Hendrickson... as he reflects back on this amazing journey: "The Techno Logic Story." Watch the video above ⤴
If you'd like to check out what's next for us,
Visit: ChompiClub.com or follow us @Chompi.Club
to all of the wonderful organizations, businesses, artists, students, and community members that have made the last 10 years possible!
First of all, we want to give anyone reading this a huge, heartfelt THANK YOU! We’ve spent the last 10 years on an incredible journey in the world of synthesis, electronic music, and community building. On this path we have been so fortunate to connect and collaborate with incredible people and companies within the Pacific NorthWest, across the US, and even globally.
This past few years has brought some pretty significant life changes for us, as it has for many. As a lot of you know, Tobias has been battling some pretty intense vision loss for a while, and this year bravely faced multiple rounds of surgeries, resulting in some necessary career changes. Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still amazing possibilities ahead. When one door closes, often another one opens, and we are heading in some exciting new directions.
What does this mean? Well Techno Logic, as it has been, is changing and pausing for the time being. We are so unbelievably grateful to everyone who has been part of this journey with us. If you are reading this, that includes you too! We could not have done this without the support of the companies and organizations who first took a chance on our crazy idea, the amazing local folks who have been part of our Techno Logic Co-Lab Crew, every single one of our hilarious and incredible students, and everyone who has invited us into their communities. You mean the world to us.
In this next chapter, we are taking every piece of experience, inspiration, and communal insight we’ve had along the way, and pouring it all into a new endeavor that we believe will invite more people to discover the magical world of sound design. If you’re interested in learning more, check out www.chompiclub.com.
Check out this video › as Tobias shares a bit about our Techno Logic story and his journey along the way.
So for now, we just want to give you all a big fat hug and say thanks again. Hopefully you can look back fondly on our time together, and we hope you’ll join us on our next adventure!
MUCH LOVE, Chelsea & Tobias
in 2022, we made a EURORACK MODULE:
MENAGERIE beckons you to explore a myriad of possibilities, harnessing wild waveforms and lightwaves, putting them on display. A magical platform where light & synthesis converge...
We spent the past 10 years cultivating inclusive synth culture in the Pacific Northwest. Our mission is to foster self expression through electronic music, empowering people to honor and embrace creative diversity.